Adapted from this recipe.
a few tablespoons of butter
about two large spoonfuls of flour
one can of swanson's chicken broth (it's seriously better than the other stuff!)
about a can full (almost 2 cups) milk (I don't really measure)
salt and pepper
1 package grated parmesan cheese, about 6 ounces (NOT the stuff in the green labeled bottle- actual cheese)
Cooked and shredded or diced chicken or turkey (I've also made it with tuna and it was alright but not as good as chicken or turkey. I tried it with bacon once too and that was pretty good)
1 package linguini or fettucine noodles.
In a large frying pan, melt the butter on medium low heat. Add flour, stirring constantly. Add chicken broth, stirring constantly. Add milk, salt and pepper. Stir to combine. Add parmesan cheese and chicken or turkey (or whatever meat you're using). Stir well. (This time I also added some whipping cream b/c it needed to be used. I've also added leftover turkey gravy after Thanksgiving).
Pour cooked noodles into an oven safe 9x13 pan. Add mixture from the frying pan. Toss to coat and try to evenly distribute any unmelted cheese and meat. Cover with aluminum foil and bake at 350 for about 40 minutes or until liquid is absorbed. Let stand for about 30 minutes if you have time. The sauce thickens up nicely as it cools.

Mmmm, sounds divine.